Help Center

Welcome to Helps Plus

Your contribution holds the power to create a significant impact. By making a difference, you have the ability to shape a world that is more compassionate, vibrant, and optimistic. Each donation you generously provide will not only bring about tangible transformations but also usher in a new era of progress and prosperity.

Make A Better World

Creating a better world is a collective endeavor that involves improving various aspects of our society, promoting equality, and striving for positive change. This encompasses not only the physical environment but also the social, economic, and cultural dimensions of our existence. By fostering compassion, empathy, and inclusivity, we can lay the foundation for a more harmonious and sustainable world.


We are here to help!

HelpsPlus is a compassionate organization dedicated to empowering the most vulnerable members of our society – children, women, and those living in poverty. Our mission is to provide not just donations, but the tools and resources needed for individuals to achieve self-sufficiency. With a focus on humanitarian projects, HelpsPlus is committed to making a lasting impact on communities worldwide. Through our initiatives, we aim to uplift and support those in need, creating a brighter and more equitable future for all. Join HelpsPlus in our noble cause and help us make a real difference in the lives of countless individuals around the globe. Together, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

  • a) We've helped families and communities get back on their feet quickly.
  • b) RiseLab fundraising tools make it easy for you to create, share, and raise money for your campaign.
  • c) RiseLab helps you easily share your story far and wide over email, text, and social media to rally support for your cause.

Our Latest Campaigns

Stay informed and connected with us by accessing the latest updates and news about our campaigns. We believe in keeping our supporters engaged and well-informed about the progress and impact of our initiatives. By staying connected, you become an integral part of our community, enabling us to create positive change and make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Join us on this journey and stay updated with the latest campaigns, events, and inspiring stories. Together, we can drive meaningful and sustainable impact.

Discover Benefits And Facilities

HelpsPlus is the ultimate destination for effective fundraising, catering to individuals, groups, and organizations alike. Renowned for its unparalleled impact, HelpsPlus has transformed into a worldwide phenomenon, engaging activists and supporters from every corner of the globe. With its extensive reach, HelpsPlus empowers individuals and organizations to amplify their voices and effect change on a global scale. Whether you are an individual seeking support for a personal cause, a group looking to rally resources, or an organization aiming to make a significant impact, HelpsPlus is the ideal platform to connect with like-minded individuals and create a lasting impact.


HelpsPlus is committed to providing financial support for vulnerable children, impoverished individuals, and marginalized women. Our organization strives to secure funding contributions to improve the lives and opportunities of these underserved groups. By addressing their unique needs and challenges, we aim to promote equity and empower them to thrive in our society.


HelpsPlus collaborates with global partners to deliver vital services aimed at safeguarding communities. Through strategic partnerships, we extend our reach to provide essential support and protection to those in need. Whether it's ensuring access to healthcare, facilitating educational opportunities, or promoting social welfare initiatives, RiseLab leverages the collective expertise and resources of our diverse network of partners to make a lasting impact. Together, we strive to create a safer and more secure future for individuals and communities worldwide.


HelpsPlus is spearheading a dynamic campaign in Seattle that champions the cause of literacy and amplifies the voices of individuals. Our organization is deeply committed to promoting literacy as a fundamental right and a powerful tool for personal growth and empowerment. Through our initiative, we aim to bridge the literacy gap and create opportunities for all to have access to education and the ability to express themselves confidently. By fostering a culture of reading, writing, and communication, RiseLab envisions a community in Seattle where every individual is empowered to have their voice heard and can contribute meaningfully to society. Together, let's ignite the power of literacy and pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future for all in Seattle.


HelpsPlus relies on the generous support of voluntary contributions to fulfill our mission of reaching every child. We recognize and deeply appreciate the invaluable role that individuals and organizations play in enabling us to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children. By making voluntary contributions, our supporters become instrumental in providing essential resources, such as education, healthcare, and social support, to children who may otherwise be left behind. Together, through the collective power of giving, we strive to ensure that every child has access to the opportunities and care they deserve, creating a brighter and more equitable future for all.


Discover the Optimal Destinations to Make Your Charitable Contributions Count

When considering the most effective use of your hard-earned money in philanthropy, it's crucial to identify the best places to donate. By selecting the right organizations and causes, you can maximize the impact of your valuable contributions. One highly regarded option is to support reputable international relief organizations. These groups work tirelessly to alleviate poverty, provide emergency aid during crises, promote education, and improve healthcare access worldwide. By partnering with such organizations, you can help address global challenges and make a lasting difference in the lives of individuals and communities in need. Another promising avenue is to invest in local grassroots initiatives that are making a significant impact within your own community. These organizations often have a deep understanding of the local challenges and can effectively target their efforts towards specific issues. By donating to these initiatives, you can contribute to the development and well-being of your community, fostering positive change on a more personal level. Additionally, you might consider supporting causes aligned with your personal values and passions. Whether it's environmental conservation, animal welfare, education, or social justice, there are numerous specialized organizations that focus on advancing these particular causes. By donating to these groups, you can support initiatives that resonate strongly with you and make a lasting impact in areas that matter deeply to you. Lastly, it's essential to research the transparency and efficiency of the organizations you are considering donating to. Various reputable watchdog organizations provide ratings and assessments of charities based on their fiscal responsibility, accountability, and transparency. Taking the time to review these evaluations can ensure that your valuable money is channeled into organizations that effectively utilize the funds for their intended purposes. By carefully selecting the best places to donate your money, you can rest assured that your contributions are making a genuine and impactful difference in the world. Make a lasting impact by supporting international relief organizations, grassroots initiatives, causes close to your heart, and organizations renowned for their transparency and efficiency.






People Helped



Become a Valued Volunteer in Our Dynamic Campaign

We invite you to join our passionate team of volunteers as we embark on a mission to drive positive change in our community. By dedicating your time and skills to our campaign, you will play a crucial role in advancing our cause and making a lasting impact. As a volunteer, you can participate in a wide range of activities that align with your interests and abilities. Whether it's canvassing neighborhoods, organizing community events, or assisting with administrative tasks, there is a role for everyone. We welcome your unique perspectives and experiences, recognizing that diversity enriches our efforts and enables us to connect with various segments of our community. By joining us, you will have the opportunity to develop valuable skills, expand your network, and make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and families. Our campaign is rooted in inclusivity, collaboration, and integrity, and we believe that together, we can create meaningful change. So, if you are ready to make a positive impact and contribute to a cause you believe in, we encourage you to become a volunteer for our campaign. Join our dedicated team today and be a part of a movement that strives for a brighter and more compassionate future.


Manuel Basulto

Participate 0 Campaigns
From : United States

Mana Alfa

Participate 0 Campaigns
From : United States

Mana esso PITA SAMA

Participate 0 Campaigns
From : Togo


Participate 0 Campaigns
From : United States

Atcheki Médard

Participate 0 Campaigns
From : Togo

Kaysen Dempsey

Participate 0 Campaigns
From : United States

Become a valued volunteer and join our passionate campaign!

We are actively seeking dedicated individuals like you who are eager to contribute their time, skills, and energy to make a difference. By joining our volunteer team, you will have the opportunity to actively engage in our campaign efforts, working towards our shared vision of creating positive change in our community. Whether you choose to help with fundraising, event planning, canvassing, or other campaign-related activities, your commitment and support will be invaluable in driving our cause forward. Together, let's make a lasting impact by joining forces as volunteers for our campaign.


Prepare to be inspired as we share our incredible journey!

Our story is a testament to the power of perseverance, resilience, and the unwavering belief in making dreams come true. It all started with a simple idea, a vision that ignited a fire within us. We faced numerous challenges along the way, but with unwavering determination, we overcame every obstacle that stood in our path. Our journey has been filled with countless moments of triumph, where we have pushed beyond our limits and achieved what once seemed impossible. Through it all, we have learned valuable lessons, grown as individuals, and discovered the true meaning of teamwork. Our story is not just about us, it's about the countless lives we have touched and the positive impact we have made in our community. We invite you to be a part of our inspirational story, to join us in creating a legacy that will inspire generations to come. Together, let's continue to defy the odds and write the next chapter of our remarkable journey.


Start funding with HelpsPlus

Despite the ever-changing world around us, the needs of children remain a steadfast priority for HelpsPlus. Our commitment to serving and nurturing the well-being of children remains unwavering. In the face of the complex challenges we encounter, we continue to prioritize the welfare and development of children. Our dedication to providing the best possible support and resources for children remains as strong as ever.

While the world around us has undergone significant changes, HelpsPlus’ unwavering dedication to meeting the needs of children remains steadfast. In the face of the complexities and challenges that our modern society presents, our commitment to supporting and nurturing children has never wavered.

In the face of numerous challenges across the globe, the dedicated members of HelpsPlus tirelessly advocate for the fundamental rights of all individuals who find themselves without a home. Their unwavering commitment encompasses the urgent need for safe shelter, access to nourishment, protection from both natural disasters and conflicts, and the pursuit of equality for all. Despite the daunting obstacles they encounter, the compassionate team at RiseLab remains resolute in their mission to uplift and empower homeless individuals in their quest for a better life.

Initiate sustainable funding to address homelessness and provide comprehensive support to individuals experiencing housing insecurity

This funding should encompass a wide range of initiatives, such as affordable housing programs, job training and employment assistance, mental health services, and substance abuse treatment. By adopting a holistic approach, we can not only address the immediate needs of the homeless population but also work towards long-term solutions that promote stability and independence. Adequate funding and collaboration among various stakeholders will be crucial in tackling this complex issue and ensuring that everyone has access to safe and secure housing.


Recent Funded Campaigns

Explore our recently funded campaigns, highlighting the incredible impact made possible by the generosity of our donors and supporters. These campaigns encompass a diverse range of causes and initiatives, each with a unique story of success and transformation. From providing vital resources to underserved communities, supporting educational scholarships, promoting environmental conservation, and much more, these funded campaigns have made a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. Join us in celebrating these achievements and be inspired by the positive change that can be achieved when we come together to make a difference. Stay updated on our latest funded campaigns and be a part of the ongoing journey towards creating a better world for all.

Success Stories

Stay updated on success stories and connect with us consistently by accessing the latest updates and stories. We believe in the power of storytelling and want to keep you informed and engaged with our mission. By staying connected, you become part of our community and can witness the impact of your support firsthand. Join us on this journey and be a part of the change we're creating together!


From Dreams to Reality: Sarah's Journey towards Ed...

Sarah's story exemplifies the transformative power of education, as she overcame numerous challenges...

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Top Donors

By entrusting us with your money, we are committed to utilizing it wisely to generate high income while prioritizing security. We understand the importance of mitigating risks and will employ reliable and trusted strategies to safeguard your investment. With our expertise in financial management, we aim to maximize returns while ensuring the utmost safety for your hard-earned funds. You can have peace of mind knowing that your investment is in capable hands, dedicated to delivering strong and secure financial outcomes.


Guadalupe Cervantes
Donation: $10.00


Donation: $10.00

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